encore 30years



Most people buy windows only once or twice in a lifetime so where do we go for advice. The best place to start in the GTA Canada is Window Wise. Window Wise is independently run by SAWDAC and provides a third-party guarantee on both the windows and the installation.

Everyone wants to purchase energy efficient premium vinyl windows that will last a very long time with little or no service. Since most vinyl windows look the same to the untrained eye, it is difficult for a consumer to differentiate between a premium window and a builder grade window. Window Wise removes the guess work for you and only certifies quality replacement windows.

Even more important than the quality of the windows themselves is the installation. A proper installation will guarantee the windows provide many years of smooth operation and superior protection from the elements. A poorly installed window will be drafty and require constant service. Window Wise Certifies your windows will be installed properly by trained professionals. All Window wise installers are trained and certified to install windows the proper way. In addition to this Window Wise does random inspections to ensure these standards are upheld with every installation.

People ask why are all installers not trained and certified to install windows. Properly installed and certified windows require more time and better materials. Most companies are not prepared to invest in better windows and a better installation and are primarily focused on more profits. Window Wise certified companies and installers take pride in our industry, our products and our workmanship.

If you need to replace your windows in the Toronto GTA, start with Encore, a Certified Window Wise Dealer. Providing Premium windows since 1987.