encore 30years


Image result for city noise reductionNoise pollution is defined as human-created noise harmful to our health and welfare. Transportation vehicles are the worst offenders. Airplanes, trains, trucks, buses and cars, all continuously produce excessive noise.  There are also many secondary sources of City noise.  Due to the rapid and massive growth of our cities, we are consistently being bombarded by noise and now we cannot escape it anymore.

Noise intensity is measured in decibel units. The decibel scale is logarithmic; each 10-decibel increase represents a tenfold increase in noise intensity. Human perception of loudness also conforms to a logarithmic scale; a 10-decibel increase is perceived as roughly a doubling of loudness. Thus, 30 decibels is 10 times more intense than 20 decibels and sounds twice as loud. Distance diminishes the effective decibel level reaching the ear. Thus, even moderate auto traffic at a distance of 100 ft (30 m) rates about 50 decibels.  With homes and condos being built closer and closer to main streets, this noise is getting louder and louder.

Subjected to 45 decibels of noise, the average person cannot sleep.  Noise pollution can cause lack of sleep, irritability, heartburn, indigestion, ulcers, high blood pressure, and possibly heart disease. Just one burst of noise, as from a passing truck, is known to alter endocrine, neurological, and cardiovascular functions in many individuals. Prolonged or frequent exposure to such noise tends to make the physiological disturbances chronic. In addition, noise-induced stress creates severe tension in daily living and contributes to mental illness.  There is more and more evidence showing the importance of soundproofing our homes.  In the home the majority of  noise is passing through the windows.  Although most windows today are energy efficient they do not stop noise.  bquiet windows which are made completely in Canada offer a solution.  It is a second window designed exclusively to stop noise, help you sleep better and live more comfortably in today’s loud world.  For more information on how the bquiet window can help you with noise reduction contact Encore windows and doors the exclusive bquiet dealer in the Toronto GTA.

via BQuiet BQuiet Soundproof Windows.